Southampton Sunday Lunch Project

About us...

We offer a sit-down table service, a free hot meal every Sunday, to those in need within our community. We have been serving our community since 1990. Customers are invited to relax at a table, have friendly conversation, and enjoy a hot Sunday lunch, including pudding, with endless tea and coffee.  Everything is free, everyone is welcome with no questions asked. We cannot cater for children however, we can arrange takeaways to be picked up from our locations for families, and those in need, who are unable to dine at our locations. 

Winners of the 'Kings Award for Voluntary Service'...

' I would like to say well done to everyone involved in this charity. Thank you to all the volunteers in both venues, without you this would not have been possible, so well done! As manager of the Woolston site I am very proud to have won this award, and I know that everyone at Woolston and St Denys are proud of this achievement as well.' - Linda


Thank you CO-OP members for choosing us ...

Southampton Sunday lunch project was part of the  @Coopuk Local Community Fund 2024.

You raised a total of £2,077.78, which is fantastic! Thank you, thank you!

All the money helps us to support those in need in our community. 

Please continue to support the great local causes through your CO-OP membership. 


Volunteer rota ...

We have 7 teams at both locations. For those that are interested in volunteering, you can join a team and you will be asked to volunteer a Sunday, every 7 weeks. You can join more teams, or attend more Sundays if you wish. Email us, let us know your chosen location and the relevant manager will be in touch to discuss options with you. 



We would not be able to serve others without our team of fabulous volunteers. Noone is salaried in our charity, we all want to help those in need, we are all volunteers. 

We always need volunteers, if you would like more information, or you are interested in joining the SSLP team, message us...


We rely on donations to keep the charity going. We want to thank all the individuals and businesses that have made and continue to donate to keep us serving the community.

If you wish to donate you can make a direct transfer to our bank:


Lloyds Bank

Southampton Sunday Lunch Project

Sort code: 30-99-87

Account no: 00546421


Please email us to let us know so that we can thank you.


Woolston: 10:00 - 13:00

St Marks Institute

Victoria Road, Woolston, SO19 9DY

(Due to structural exterior works, the entrance is at the rear on Cox Lane. Look for the open door and our sign beside it.) Please note there is no ramp access. 


St Denys: 10:00 - 13:00

St Denys Church & Centre

Dundee Road, St Denys, SO17 2ND



Contact us...

If you are interested in volunteering please add your preferred venue in your message :)

Email us: